Thursday, August 30, 2007

I made some changes to the blog

Well, I had a little free time this morning (aka: I skipped Jazzercise) and spent a little time checking out the blogging options. I have a friend who created a blog so she'd have the right to comment on mine... while I'm glad she started her 100th blog (*tee hee*) it got me to thinking...

So I checked it out and found all sorts of options! So I've added some links to other friends, as well as a list of some of the places I go almost every day, just for fun. I also changed it so anyone can leave a comment, so you can leave a message even if you don't have your own blog. I figured this would give people the chance to set the record straight if I was ever wrong about something. (*ha ha*)

OK, I need to go do some packing... why???? Because it's almost vacation day!!!!!!!

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