Monday, August 27, 2007

5 (more) things

OK, here are *my* 5 things:

1. Book - the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oake, and all the other books she's written. It is Christian romance, but much more than that. I started reading them in my teens after my grandma said they were good. They introduced me to a lot a life issues I faced, as well as just a glimpse of what really living for and depending on God looked like.

2. Music - In general, comtemporary Christian music is big for me. I first heard the album "Life, Love, and Other Mysteries" by Point of Grace on a late night infomercial type show. I was so drawn to this feeling of community in Christ. It was a turning point for me. But I can't leave this topic without mentioning "Held" by Natalie Grant. This song really captures my understanding of God. You can see the lyrics here:
Or listen to the song here:

3. Art - What I think of here is a "decoration" our church used to put up at pentecost. It was an oversized windsock kind of thing. It had short yellow, orange, and red streamers attached to it. Each streamer had been signed by a member of the congregation. That was such a visual for me. It looked like fire. Unfortunately I think our congregation is a little more sophisticated than this kind of decoration now... :(

4. Film - well, TV for me - Veggietales. I learned a lot and laughed a lot! Still do!

5. Pop Culture - for me it's contemporary Christian radio.

Thanks, Helen!

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