Friday, September 24, 2010

Reality Sinking In

GivIng the new med twice yesterday went well. Today, for the first time, he's getting exactly the same dose the he got the day before, which is likely the dose he'll go home on. And it's looking like Sunday will be the day.

That reality is setting in now as I realize what going home will be like. Thinking through the mechanics of picc line care, the likelihood of him returning to school, and then there's the lab work... The doctor's won't commit to a lab work schedule, but the "week" at home with a picc line and frequent labs they mentioned yesterday was "10 days" today. The doctor thought once a week labs after the picc is taken out, but "hasn't decided" how often it will be with the picc. That makes me think they just don't want to tell me how bad/often it will be!

So, we're in wait and learn mode. Wait to see how he does on the dose he's at and make sure it's stable. Learn how to care for the picc line and how to cut, crush, and mix the short lived new med.

David is still sleeping a bit more than normal and too dizzy to sit up or crawl around. He's not signing or clapping by himself, though he is still touching the iPad. But these are things we expect when we adjust seizure meds like we did on Tuesday. Hopefully it will clear in a week or two.

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