Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's all in the details

So here's something I didn't know, and David's doctors didn't know either... The lab will only run urgent lab work on the weekend. Of the two things they are tracking, only one can be considered urgent. The other they will continue to draw, but won't run until Monday. Huh. That's interesting.

So it's looking like we'll stay until they can get those non-urgent lab results on Monday. I did get some answers about lab work from home - it will probably be every other day. That's a relief compared to what I was imagining. I also talked through some things I wanted to know for when we got home, like what We should do if David has a seizure. So, now that I'm feeling better about going home... we'll probably be here an extra day.

David seems more awake today and he's back to moving around. It's nice to have him back!

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