Sunday, September 26, 2010

Home Tomorrow!

The doctor stopped by this morning to say everything looks good and we can go home tomorrow after they see the labs they've got waiting to run. Hard to say when that will be. The labs should be done by noon, he said, but then they'll have to put in discharge orders. I know from experience how slow that can be, so I'm prepping myself to be patient. I'm hoping to be home before school gets out, but before supper is more realistic, I think.

When we get home, the medical supply company we use will come by with supplies and training on caring for the picc line. I wish I could get that training at the hospital *before* I'm alone with the picc line, but I understand this way they can do the teaching with the actual supplies we'll have. In the mean time I'm asking a lot of questions.

So, we're in the homestretch now, and I'm ready to go home!

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