Friday, September 24, 2010

Charts & Graphs

I like numbers, so I've been graphing David's lab results for two of the things they are watching the closest. It had gotten to the point that I thought I could predict what would come next. When they announced this morning they were keeping the med dose the same, I figured I could predict what we'd see on the labs.

I was wrong. The doctors were surprised, too. So, the dose of the new med has been cut in half tonight.

They still are talking like we'd go home on Sunday, but I'd feel better if try were done messing around with the dose. They've told me we don't have to leave until we're comfortable.

David has been very sleepy again today. Still not sitting on his own, but he did do hand motions to some of his favorite songs and was happy while he was awake.

So we'll see what the evening brings.

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