Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hassani is wearing her new Valentines Day dress I made. Yes, she's wearing it over her pajamas. I don't question her fashion sense. I'm just happy she stood still for a picture! :)

Yes, yes, I am making progress on my blue afghan. :) But the progress I want to write about is with H! Last week we made the decision (with her therapist) to switch from every week therapy to every other week therapy. H still has plenty of issues, but no new ones are cropping up, and we know how to deal with the current ones... so it felt like time.

I was feeling a little guilty at first. I felt like, if things were calm, then maybe that meant it was really time to make a push to deal with the next issue on our list - to force H to deal with it, I mean. But our lovely therapist pointed out that it's ok to take a break and enjoy the "peace" and that H even deserved a time of rest. :) That was all I needed to throw the guilt out the window! So we're just going to live for a while, and I'm enjoying it.

T & I take turns putting H to bed each night. Her anxiety is really high at bedtime, so we've found it works much better if one of us stays with her until she falls asleep. ("it works much better" Ha! That's another way of saying "she won't stay in bed unless we're there rubbing her back") Anyway, even with our calming bedtime routine, H often (and by often I mean every night) has big issues at bedtime (and by big issues I mean she lets us know that she hates us, and that we're stupid, and occasionally enjoys letting us know she wishes we were dead). But it occurs to me this morning that the past few nights have been very peaceful! Remarkably so! It's incredible and just pastes a smile on my face that won't go away!

I know it won't last forever, and unfortunately, I know she has a lot to still work through. But for now, for a few weeks, or for however long it lasts... wow. I'm going to enjoy it!

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