Monday, January 23, 2012

It's a good day!

I have talked with some of David's doctors this morning and am waiting for the rest to come on rounds. So far it's good news.

David is still not conscious, but showing more and more signs of coming around. He's initiating all his own breaths now, and will probably get the breathing tube pulled later today.

The biggest news is that he's been seizure free for 24 hours just on his seizure meds. They will likely disconnect the EEG tomorrow. They say it's very close to David's normal EEG from last year. That is GREAT NEWS!

There are other little details. I've started talking to the doctor about how we will know if this is happening again in the future. What if he continues to have losses even with the seizures under control? I felt like we had a good start to that conversation.

David did have a fever last night and they drew lab work to see if he has an infection, especially an infection of his central line. The fever is down, but the lab results take 24 hours.

Some of you may have been aware (via Facebook or email) that the hospital's wifi had blocked my access to this web page this morning, citing "mature/adult content" (what blog are they reading?) my thanks to them for restoring it quickly at my request!

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