Saturday, December 8, 2007

What I am Good At

I have been crocheting a LOT lately. Lots of sewing, too. I was talking about my life with some friends and came to an important realization. The crocheting and sewing is an outlet for my creativity. When I had my hands full of kids, earlier in our fostering days, this same creativity served me well.

When H came home from the hospital she needed bandage changes on her burns. The best way to get the bandages off was to soak them in warm water in the bathtub. That was probably a good solution for anyone who hadn’t been scalded in a bathtub. Clearly another solution needed to be found. So I used my creativity and drug out all of our beach towels in November. I pushed aside the kitchen table and cleared all the chairs off the linoleum floor. I lined it with beach towels and brought out some newly washed toy bins. I filled them with lukewarm water and Z, G, H and I gave some dolls baths. Then we laughed and soaked our own feet in the water, even H.

I used my creativity multiple times when caring for other kids in our home. I have been uniquely gifted by God for the work He has for me to do. And I guess, when I’m not using it as a mom it comes out in crochet. :)

1 comment:

momma helen said...

I love that little hat. Are you interested in doing a joint project? You could knit/crochet some huge size crusher hats, then send them to me and I'd attempt to felt them. Hopefully, they'd end up our sizes and we'd each have a great new hat!