Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

H, our bride (for the 2nd or 3rd year in a row!); G, our cat (she was a gymnast at school, but changed her mind by supper); Z is a Ranger's Apprentice, a character from a series of books he's been reading. (Oh, and I made the ranger's cloak on 10/30 out of an old sheet - thankfully we had one in oak leaf green, like the rangers wear.)
Here's D! This picture wasn't actually taken on Halloween, but he wore this outfit a lot in October!

I've been enjoying my normal October activities - Christmas shopping. I like to have it all done before Thanksgiving, so I don't have to be in then stores during shopping season any more than I have to! I'm doing pretty good, and should meet my goal. :)

T travelled twice in the past 2 weeks, and I am SO glad that's over and we don't have any more trips scheduled in the near future. Even with all the kids in school, and even with T's parents here to help, it was exhausting to handle all 4 kids.

Next up... flu shots for the kids. D should have his on Tuesday and the rest a week from Monday. That will be quite an adventure. G has major issues with shots, and Z is nearly as bad, and H has issues with people crying because they are hurt. So it's a pretty messy combo, but I refuse to make 3 separate trips. :) I'll let you know how it goes...

D continues without IV meds. I may hear more about that on Tuesday.

Finally, on the adoption front, we got our fingerprints taken - and now wait 6 weeks to get results back, and we got our physicals done. Our homestudy will be updated, and then we move forward...

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